Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Symbolism of the Triad

There is a great allegorical depiction of the Vedantic Triad in Indian Philosophy.

A cow with three calves - the cow represents the Universal Mind ( Maya ), the three calves are

The Relative Universe ( Jagat )
The Relative Ego ( Jiva )
The Relative Supreme ( Para )

The Triad is a projection of the Universal Mind, whose base is Absolute Being !

O Thou with and without Thy Maya
Art known as Witness Consciousness
Thy projections Three
Are Thee in Reality !
All the forces of Nature
Dissolved in Thee at Involution
Only Thou existed then
As Supreme Consciousness Bliss !

Maya sannihito pravishta vapusha
Saksheethi geetho bhavan
Bhedestham pratibimbitho vivisivan
Jeevepi naiva para
Kalatma pratibodhita cha vigata
sanchothita cha swayam
Maya sa khalu bhuddi tatvamasruja
Dwyosau mahan uchyathe

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